1. then

    1 then /ˈðɛn/ adverb
    1 then
    Learner's definition of THEN
    : at that time : at the time mentioned
    used to indicate what happened or happens next
    used to indicate what should be done next
    used to indicate something more that must be done or thought of
    used to indicate what must be true or what must or should happen if something else is true or happens
    Then is often omitted following if.
    used to say or ask about what appears to be true based on what has happened or been said
    used to say what has been agreed to or decided
    somewhat formalused to make a final statement that refers back to the things that have just been mentioned or described
    used after words like all right and OK at the beginning of a statement

    and then some

    see 2some

    but then

    see 1but

    even then

    see 2even

    (every) now and then

    see 1now

    then and there

    or chiefly British there and then
    : immediately at that place
    2 then /ˈðɛn/ noun
    2 then
    Learner's definition of THEN
    : that time
    3 then /ˈðɛn/ adjective
    3 then
    Learner's definition of THEN
    always used before a noun
    : existing at or belonging to the time mentioned
    Comments & Questions
    Comments & Questions
    What made you want to look up then? Include any comments and questions you have about this word.
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